Posts categorized under: blog

Many statistical "gold standards" aren't perfect, but that's why they're perfectly named

Statisticians and computer scientists often use the term "gold standard" for the best possible benchmark you could have when trying to estimate something. I often hear statisticians questioning the benchmark though, saying that "it's not really a gold standard" because it isn't perfect. My response is that the term "gold standard" should still apply. Moreso even, because the actual gold standard of matching currency to gold reserves isn't perfect either...

Mission Statement for the Blog

In this blog, I'll talk about issues in statistics from a graduate student's perspective. Some specific topics include: surviving a PhD, enjoying a PhD, designing intuitive graphics, and dealing with high dimensional data. There will also be musings from time to time about food/cooking (i.e. JHSPH Biostat Chili Cookoff strategy), and culture in general...